Pixie League is comprised of 6, 7, and 8-year old’s, as of January 1st of the current year. All 6-year old’s need to have played at least one year of t-ball and will be based off evaluations to have sufficient ability to participate.
It is all about the fundamentals, while having the players play in a competitive environment. The players will get to build on what they learned in the Tee ball division. Players bat until 3 outs are made or 7 runs have been scored. Score is kept. Batters will hit off a pitching machine.
Softball typically takes place on Tuesday and Thursday at either 5:30 or 7:15. Games will be played at Wea and other surrounding Rec Programs starting in September and running through October.
Proposed Season Calendar:
1st Practices - 8/31
1st games - 9/7
No All-Stars or end of season tourney for Fall Ball.